
BluLyte Hypochlorous Acid Science & Technology
BluLyte leads the way with hypochlorous acid science and technology in South Africa.
Our team of scientists and trailblazing technology provides you with peace of mind that not only is BluLyte safe, it has a long shelf-life – even when opened.
100% Non-Toxic
100% Safe For Animals
100% Safe For People
100% Environment Safe
100% Natural
80 to 100 Times More Powerful Than Bleach
Our Hypochlorous Acid Science And Technology
BluLyte hypochlorous acid technology imitates the human immune system, naturally producing hypochlorous acid to fight viruses, bacteria, and other infections.
Our fast-acting disinfectant has achieved full compliance with regulations and legislation within South Africa and many countries worldwide.
We offer a range of products in ready-to-use bottles or bulk containers for various industries, including agriculture, horticulture, medical, veterinary, and food processing.
Hypochlorous Acid Stability
BluLyte is one of only a few organisations worldwide that has successfully developed the processes to produce hypochlorous acid safely. In addition, the shelf-life of our products reach up to 18-months and have been proven to be effective at killing up to 99.9999% of bacteria.
Hypochlorous Acid Effectiveness
Our products have been independently laboratory-tested and proven to be effective against a wide range of microorganisms and comply with various regulations. Check out our testing and results page for more information.